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- 1 rem *** disk holder
- 2 rem *** for the c-64/c-64c/c-128
- 3 rem *** by ron o'laughlin
- 4 rem ***published by softdisk publishing
- 10 if a=3 then goto 31
- 12 if peek(56)<>64 then poke56,64: clr
- 14 if a=0 then a=1: gosub 20: load"0:disk holder.bmp",8,1
- 16 if a=1 then a=2: load"0:disk holder.col",8,1
- 18 if a=2 then a=3: load"0:lptr rtn",8,1
- 20 poke 53280,0: poke53281,0: print"[147]"chr$(142)chr$(8)
- 21 print"[158] [209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209]"
- 22 forp=1to10:print" [209][209]":next
- 23 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]disk holder"
- 24 print"by:":print"rhonda o'laughlin"
- 25 print"(c) 1987"
- 26 print"published by:"
- 27 print"[156]softdisk publishing"
- 28 print"[158] [209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209]"
- 29 return
- 31 print" [209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209]"
- 32 forp=1to10:print" [209][209]":next
- 33 print" [209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209]"
- 34 print"[156] press return[156] to continue"
- 35 get z$: if z$=chr$(13) then 38
- 36 if x=0 then x=1: gosub 21: goto 35
- 37 x=0: goto 31
- 38 goto7000
- 39 clr:poke53265,peek(53265)and239
- 40 poke56578,peek(56578)or3
- 50 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or2
- 60 poke53265,peek(53265)or32
- 70 poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 80 ba=peek(53272):poke53272,(ba and 240)or8
- 82 forp=49152to49199:readx:pokep,x:next:sys49152
- 90 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 92 getx$:ifx$=""then92
- 93 ifx$<>chr$(13)then92
- 94 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or4
- 95 poke53270,peek(53270)and239:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3
- 96 poke53265,peek(53265)and223:sys49152
- 97 ifx=1then7060
- 98 goto7000
- 99 rem****end of screen
- 100 print"[147][154]"
- 105 printchr$(14)+chr$(8)
- 110 a$=": :"
- 120 b$=".........................."
- 130 c$=": :"
- 140 print" [212]his program is a bit different as "
- 150 print"far as computer programs go, but it"
- 160 print"meets a basic need for many of us."
- 170 print"[200]ave you ever tried to find a disk you"
- 180 print"were looking for when 7 or 8 disks were"
- 190 print"scattered around your desk?"
- 195 print: print" [212]hat describes the need. [212]o meet"
- 200 print"the need, you'll have to have a printer"
- 210 print"hooked up to your computer and run this"
- 215 print"program."
- 220 gosub630
- 230 print" [211]everal patterns will be generated "
- 240 print"on your printer. [212]he two large patterns"
- 250 print"[145]will be templates for cutting the "
- 260 print"wooden sides. [215]ith tape or rubber "
- 270 print"cement, fasten the two patterns to any"
- 280 print"flat piece or wood 1/4-3/4 in. thick."
- 290 print:printspc(5)"( [196]o not use particle board! [146][154])"
- 300 print:print"[212]hicker wood is preferred because it "
- 310 print"gives the holder more weight.":print""
- 315 gosub630
- 320 print" [195]ut out the two sides with a jigsaw,"
- 340 print"coping saw, or whatever else you have"
- 360 print"that'll do the job. [212]ake your time..."
- 370 print"it will be worth it later on."
- 390 print:print" [193]ssemble the box with screws, nails"
- 392 print"or glue. [212]his disk box may be stained"
- 394 print"if you want a professional looking pro-"
- 396 print"ject. [201]f you like, you may even cut"
- 398 print"the box from thick cardboard."
- 400 print:print" [212]he utility of the project is impor-"
- 401 print"tant, not the looks, right?"
- 402 print:print" [205]ake use of one of these disk boxes"
- 404 print"and you will never want to be without":print"it again."
- 410 gosub630:print"[147]"
- 420 print" [196]o you want to:"
- 430 print" [158][1][146][154] [210]un program"
- 440 print" [2][146][154] [210]eview instructions"
- 450 print" [156][3][146][154] [210]eturn to uptime"
- 455 print" [4][146][154] [210]eturn to main menu"
- 460 getz$:ifz$=""or(val(z$)<1andval(z$)>4)then460
- 470 on(val(z$))goto500,2000,2010,7000
- 499 print"":goto420
- 500 rem***to printer
- 505 printchr$(14)+chr$(8)
- 510 print"[147]"
- 520 printspc(9)"[212]urn on your printer...":gosub630
- 530 print"[147]"
- 545 poke780,3:poke782,4:sys828
- 547 ifpeek(783)and1thenclose3:goto8000
- 550 rem print"[215]hen ready hit...":gosub630
- 570 rem print"[147]":print"[196]o you wish to abort operation":print"([217]/[206])"
- 580 rem getz$:ifz$=""then580
- 590 rem ifz$="y"then2000
- 595 y=0
- 600 cmd3
- 610 printspc(40);:print"...."
- 620 forx=1to3
- 629 goto635
- 630 goto5000
- 635 printspc(40);:print": :":next
- 640 printspc(35);:print".... : :"
- 650 forx=1to3
- 660 printspc(35);:print": : : :":next
- 670 printspc(30);:print".... : : : :"
- 680 forx=1to3
- 690 printspc(30);:print": : : : : :":next
- 700 printspc(25);:print".... : : : : : :"
- 710 forx=1to3
- 720 printspc(25);:print": : : : : : : :":next
- 730 printspc(20);:print".... : : : : : : : :"
- 740 forx=1to3
- 750 printspc(20);:print": : : : : : : : : :":next
- 760 printspc(15);:print".... : : : : : : : : : :"
- 770 forx=1to3
- 780 printspc(15);:print": : : : : : : : : : : :":next
- 790 printspc(10);:print".... : : : : : : : : : : : :"
- 800 printspc(10);:print": : : : : : : : : : : ... :"
- 810 forx=1to2
- 820 printspc(10);:print": : : : : : : : : : : :":next
- 830 printspc(5);: print".... : : : : : : : : : : : :"
- 840 printspc(5);: print": : : : : : : : : : : ... :"
- 850 forx=1to2
- 860 printspc(5);: print": : : : : : : : : : : :":next
- 900 print".... : : : : : : : : : : : :"
- 910 print": : : : : : : : : : : ... :"
- 920 forx=1to2
- 930 print": : : : : : : : : : : :":next
- 940 print": : : : : : : : : : : :"
- 950 print": : : : : : : : : ... :"
- 960 forx=1to2
- 970 print": : : : : : : : : :":next
- 980 print": : : : : : : : : + :"
- 990 print": : : : : : : ... screwhole :"
- 1000 forx=1to3
- 1010 print": : : : : : : :":next
- 1020 print": : : : : ... ^ g :"
- 1030 print": : : : : ! r :"
- 1040 print": : : : : ! a :"
- 1050 print": : : : : ! i :"
- 1060 print": : : ... ! n :"
- 1070 forx=1to3
- 1080 print": : : :":next
- 1090 print": ... :"
- 1100 printc$
- 1110 print": + :"
- 1120 print": screwhole :"
- 1130 printc$
- 1140 print"............................................"
- 1150 print#3:close3,4
- 1200 ify=1then410
- 1210 print"[147]"
- 1220 open3,4:cmd3
- 1230 printb$:printa$:printa$
- 1240 print": cut this piece out[160][160][160]:"
- 1250 print": of 2 x 4 stock :"
- 1260 print": or similar :"
- 1270 forx=1to7:printa$:next
- 1280 print": side a :"
- 1290 forx=1to5:printa$:next
- 1300 printa$:printa$:printb$
- 1310 y=y+1:goto600
- 2000 clr:goto100
- 2009 end
- 2010 sys(8*4096)+4
- 2011 end
- 5000 rem---hit any key
- 5005 print"":print""
- 5010 print" [[198]8][146][154] for [213]p[212]ime"
- 5020 print" [156][[210]eturn][146][154] to continue"
- 5030 getz$:ifz$=""then5030
- 5040 ifz$=chr$(140)then2010
- 5050 print"[147]":return
- 6000 data 169,216,162,072,160,064,133,250
- 6005 data 134,252,132,254,160,000,132,249
- 6010 data 132,251,132,253,177,249,145,253
- 6015 data 177,251,145,249,177,253,145,251
- 6017 data 200,208,241,230,250,230,252,230
- 6020 data 254,165,250,201,220,208,229,096
- 7000 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:print"[147]"
- 7001 printchr$(142)+chr$(8)
- 7002 a$=": :"
- 7003 b$=".........................."
- 7004 c$=": :"
- 7010 print"[156] [213][195][195][192][192][192][192][192][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][192][192][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][201]"
- 7020 forx=1to10:print" [221] [221]":next
- 7030 print" [202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 7040 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]menu"
- 7050 print"(1[146]) see intro"
- 7052 print"(2[146]) run program"
- 7054 print"(3[146]) see assembly hints"
- 7056 print"(4[146]) return to uptime"
- 7058 print" press 1-4 for your selection"
- 7059 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 7060 getx$:ifx$=""then7060
- 7062 ifval(x$)<1orval(x$)>4then7060
- 7064 x=1:on(val(x$))goto100,500,39,2010
- 8000 print"[147]":printspc(13)"[158]>----[197]rror----<"
- 8001 printspc(11)"[154][208]rinter not found."
- 8002 printspc(9)"[195]heck your connections."
- 8003 printspc(3)"[193]lso, make sure the printer is on."
- 8004 printspc(9)"[215]hen ready to resume...":gosub630
- 8006 ifx=100then595
- 8008 goto510